Rosemary Oil Facts

Rosemary Oil and Hair Research shows that rosemary oil may benefit well-being by relieving pain, relieving stress, improving your mood, fighting baldness, and acting as an anti-inflammatory. Studies have proven that rosemary oil can do much to boost free-radical- scavenging activities, as well as reducing the levels of cortisol, all of which can protect the …

Hypnosis and Hair Loss

Therapeutic Hypnosis And Hair loss Hypnotherapy has absolutely no side effects, as well as decreases overall stress and anxiety levels in clients. In this case, not only is hypnotherapy effective at promoting significant hair growth, it is a non-side-effects method to decrease stress and other symptoms of alopecia areata. We can use Hypnosis to bring …

Dieting Can Cause loss of hair

Going on a crash diet that consists solely of baby food, cabbage soup, elaborate juice concoctions or a meagre amount of calories a day might enable you to lose a few kilos quickly. But you may also find 2-6weeks later that you are also losing your hair.   Extreme diets that cut out essential food groups or unhealthily restrict your caloric intake are bad for your …

Hair is protein

Proteins are used to build tissue cells, including the cells of your hair, skin and nails. 80-85% of your hair is composed of a protein called keratin. Dietary proteins are your hairs’ building blocks – they make your hair strong and help keep it in its growing (anagen) phase.