Laser therapy, can it help?

While a hair transplant can be the answer to many a follicly-challenged man (and woman), it certainly isn’t the solution for everyone. We meet thousands of people in consultations every year, who think they’ll walk away with a date in their diary for surgery and that they’ll soon be the proud of owner of fuller …

Must do’s for your hair

There are a number of Daily Must Do’s and hair care tips in order to maximize your hair potential for being healthy and looking beautiful. Eat Breakfast! Breakfast is one of the most important hair care tips and meal of the day for your body, and also for your hair. Energy to form hair cells …

Another miracle cure fo alopecia?

Another miracle cure for alopecia areata has been found – or so the Mail Online would have us believe. The nation’s go-to gossip site has reported on the latest so called ‘miracle’ treatment – a steroid more frequently used to treat chest infections. The Mail’s ‘revelation’ comes after Sarah Ford, a woman who started losing …

Dieting Can Cause loss of hair

Going on a crash diet that consists solely of baby food, cabbage soup, elaborate juice concoctions or a meagre amount of calories a day might enable you to lose a few kilos quickly. But you may also find 2-6weeks later that you are also losing your hair.   Extreme diets that cut out essential food groups or unhealthily restrict your caloric intake are bad for your …