Ramadan Kareem.

Ramadan Kareem to all my Muslim followers.

Remember during the holy month of Ramadan, the changes in your eating patterns will very likely cause an excessive diffuse shedding some two to three months after Ramadan.

As well as being bad for your general health, skipping meals can be especially bad news for your hair. As your hair is not a vital tissue,  your body will never prioritise its nutritional needs. Think of it this way – If your essential organs aren’t getting the energy they need to function properly , or are receiving the minimum amount of nutrients, your hair cells certainly won’t be.

So if you are fasting,the first meal of the day is crucial for your hair;


It’s here where a proper nutritional boost is most needed – Energy available to your hair follicles is lowest first thing in the morning! Incorporate a mixture of proteins (at least 120g) with any form of complex carbohydrate.

DHD’s Top Sohoor Picks:

Scrambled eggs on whole-wheat toast with sautéed spinach.

Fresh berries with honey and a pot of low fat cottage cheese.

Smoked salmon and sliced tomatoes on a seeded bagel.

That all important cleansing;












Washing your hair daily, or even weekly, may not be  a possibility (unless you’re glamping!) so use a dry shampoo to help maintain the integrity of your style and mop up excess oil.  Yes – that’s right – this little gem will help keep itching and irritation at bay as well as keeping your hair shiny, bouncy and bright.

If you notice shedding during Ramadan, this will not be because of Ramadan, get it checked out.


If in doubt, see your trichologist.



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