DH dr detox for your scalp











Hair grows and looks its best when supported by a healthy scalp. Below are our top tips to getting your hair & scalp healthy and in great shape in 2014!


Tackle Dandruff Head-On

Common dandruff is very easy to clear, but ignoring it can lead to a host of problems ranging from an accumulation of flakes to hair loss. Use my Tarinol shampoo, Clear anti-dandruff and Tarinol scalp toner every day for a week and then as necessary. It’s as simple as that.


Brush Gently

One day of ‘bad brushing’ isn’t going to ruin your hair. However, accumulative stress from styling can cause wide-spread breakage. Remember, your hair, unlike your skin, is technically dead tissue once above the scalp and won’t regenerate itself. Treat your hair with care and within a few months you’ll see a real difference! Try using brushes that are gentle on your locks and scalp and always remove tangles starting at the ends of your hair.

Wheat Treat

Wheat Treatment, our multi-award winning pre-shampoo conditioner, will benefit your hair immediately. However, continued use has a profound effect. It hydrates, strengthens, adds elasticity and creates bounce and manageability. This allows hair to grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Turn Down The Heat

Applying heat to already dried hair can actually boil the water in your hair’s cortex (its core). This causes the keratin to melt and your hair to snap. When blow-drying, start on a higher heat and gradually reduce the setting as your hair dries. If your ends look slightly frizzy use a smoothing cream, and not an extra few second of heat, to smooth them. Again, this is very much accumulative. Even if you over-heat your hair only once a week, that adds up to 52 days a year! 2 days a week? 104 days of extra breakage. And so on.

Stress Less

Stress can inadvertently alter your hormone levels and cause dandruff, itching and hair loss. To combat anxiety, schedule in a time each week to relax and unwind. Great go-to’s are yoga, Pilates, meditation and breathing exercises. Reading a book, listening to classical music and taking leisurely walks can also help calm your body & mind.

Tone Your Scalp Daily

Just like your face, your scalp will benefit immensely from a daily toner. It helps to reduce excess sebum and clear ‘unfriendly’ bacteria, creating healthier looking hair and a better environment for hair growth.

Exfoliate Your Scalp Weekly

Use a weekly scalp mask that encourages healthy scalp flora. Again, this is a great way to optimize hair growth. Weekly exfoliation helps to clear away accumulated dead skin cells and soothes stressed and tired scalps. For a stimulation boost, use a stimulating scalp mask.

Limit Full Fat Dairy Products

If you’re prone to dandruff, cutting back on full fat dairy products will help ensure you have a happier scalp in 2014! Dairy can exacerbate flaking and/or itching in certain individuals and is often one of the worst triggers. Try soy, almond or rice milk with your morning coffee, or switch to skimmed milk.

Drink in Moderation

Consuming too much alcohol can dehydrate your scalp, cause irritation and can also deplete your body (and hair) of nutrients and electrolytes. If you’re prone to dandruff, steer clear of champagne & white wine  – they are known catalysts of the condition.

Shampoo Frequently

Try to shampoo as often as you can. A clean scalp supports hair growth and also adds body and bounce. Just like the rest of your body, your hair and scalp can get quite dirty by the end of the day, making it more prone to spots, irritation and bacterial build-up!

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