Dandruff causing my hair loss?

Sometimes people wonder if their hair loss is a result of their dandruff. This is a very common myth, and can be a bit tricky to answer for a few reasons. In general, dandruff is not a direct cause of hair loss. However, the scratching associated with dandruff can in fact damage the cuticular scale of your hair shafts. The cuticular scale is a protective covering on each individual hair, and when damaged, can lead to the hair falling out. In most cases, dandruff does not lead to such an amount of scratching, and therefore is probably not the reason for your hair loss.

There are a few different causes for dandruff, so there are many reasons that people could have it. Dandruff is mainly cause by Malassezia glooboosa. This is a fungus that can be found in the atmosphere and can infect anybody. A few other causes of dandruff are high intakes of sugar and fats, prolonged exposure to sunlight, overuse of hair care products, and some dermatologists even think stress can cause dandruff.

If your case of dandruff does result in severe scratching, you may want to look into some treatments for your dandruff itself. If your dandruff is not caused by genetic reasons, it should be easy enough to treat. The best remedy for dandruff is available in over-the-counter shampoos and conditioners. These hair products contain certain chemicals like zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide that prevent the regrowth of fungus on the scalp.

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