Super Foods to get your Ramadan hair back on track!

            Now that the holy month of Ramadam has passed, get you hair back on track with these super hair foods;   Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seed are the rich sources of copper,zinc,magnesium,calcium,iron,biotin,protein,omega-6 fatty acids. These supplements helps to prevent the hair loss. A handful of raw sunflower seeds were enough for …


WHAT IS TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM? Telogen effluvium is a diffuse hair loss and is best understood by looking at your hair growth cycle. Your hair grows in 3 stages – anagen, the growing phase; catagen, a short intermediary phase; and telogen, the resting phase where the hair is released and falls out. Follicles rest for around 3 …

Maintain and improve your hair during the Dubai summer!

Hair is the 2nd fastest growing cell in the body (intestinal cells being the 1st) and its growth can be influenced, both positively and negatively, by many factors. In this post we will talk about what you can do to get your hair growing at its optimum rate – and how to prevent hair loss in the …

Grey hair, does this mean I’m getting old?

                  Unfortunately as the sands of time pass us by, sadly our hair gets thinner. A common misconception is that grey hair is coarser, but in fact grey hairs are usually finer in diameter. This is because oils glands tend to produce less sebum as you get …