My thinning hair is my secret!

Most women keep their thinning hair a secret, and often ache in silence. It’s more in the closet than homosexuality these days. Women rarely discuss it with others. Even though their doctors may be saying it’s no big deal since hair loss is not life-threatening and there isn’t much to do about it in terms of treatment, it certainly is a big deal. The psychological pressure can be unbearable. As if trying to stay in shape, wear the right clothes, earn money, have a perfect relationship, and raise decent kids wasn’t enough!
None of this is trivial. You know the saying, a woman’s crowning glory is her hair. Without it, she seems ill or disfigured in the eyes of the world, and therefore in her own eyes. Hair is such a powerful symbol of sexuality, and it will take some time for us to be as neutral about bald women as we are about men.

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